Orlando Velasquez: "Universities should be on the agenda of the next government"
• university Rector Trujillo during the 187th anniversary of creation
Universities must be on the agenda of the rulers if they do not want to lie to the people of Peru, because the University are the technical staff which can outline the actual strategies of change a country's development, said the Chancellor of the UNT, Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, in his speech for the 187 anniversary of creation of the National University of Trujillo.
The grand ceremony was attended by the holders of the Judiciary, Dr. Walter Cotrina Miñano, prosecutors, Gladys Ramos Urquiza, as well as representatives of the Regional Government, Dr. Luis Shimokawa Shigiyama, the MPT, Gloria Montenegro, EP commander Juan Munoz, Archdiocese of Trujillo, Archbishop Oscar Morillo. By the two vice chancellors attended UNT Dr. Vilma Mendez Gil (Academic) and Dr. Flor Luna Victoria Mori (Administrative).
"Here is the technology (in universities), technical staff, we only need the conditions for walking this process. It is false that there is talk of developing a modern country but you look at the universities, "he said. Dr. Velásquez Benites
stressed that in all countries is the core of university development, but unfortunately in Peru "we mean, we isolated and even trampling on university autonomy, essential for initiating the process of change."
At another point, the highest university authority said it is time for universities to make a compelling proposal for change that the future university law no longer patch according to the interests of the moment.
"We must create a student movement to deliver a weapon to those who seek to govern our country from July 28. "That big gun is higher education which is part of the actual demands of the community, composed of business and society organized "he said.
According to the program, gave awards for "First Degree of the Liberator Simón Bolívar" the rectors of the universities in the Regional Inter-University Council (Cri-North), from Tumbes, Piura, Cajamarca, Amazonas, Lambayeque, Ancash and Trujillo UCV, UPAO and UNT. Cunnp
president, Dr. Francis Villena gave special recognition to the National University of Trujillo from the National University Consortium of Northern Peru, consisting of a medal, ribbon and plate reminder.
Trujillo, Tuesday May 10, 2011
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