Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flutter Sensation In Upper Abdomen

want to live in villages without architectural barriers, is no longer part of a utopia
Now we know that can be realized with the help and cooperation of political institutions and associations such as ADEA

On Wednesday October 15th I had a personal interview with the Mayor of Sevilla La Nueva, Don Mario Utrilla to tell how well was the launch of our partnership ADEA headquarters in Miraflores de la Sierra and taking advantage of this meeting I shared with some of the goals that our organization wants to play in society.
Some of these objectives is the elimination of high curbs at pedestrian crossings to prevent the transit of a wheelchair

I also told him that some municipal offices are affected by this as the building where is located the headquarters of Social Services or the Municipal Library which steps to prevent the passage Disabled Both
agree to remove such obstructions on public roads are relatively simple and it works usually have a short implementation period. (The new public library is in the pipeline is ready for access with ramps)
And the next day this was what happened,
ON WORDS The recesses of some streets have already been made. There used to learn a circuit to avoid certain streets that had no recesses in the crosswalks. Mission accomplished

In the bill we give an alternative for entry to social services until there is ramp access. Mission accomplished

These days we can all see that in the new Seville is conducting a series of works to save these barriers. From this blog and on behalf of everyone working in the ADEA Association would like to thank the entire team of the City of Sevilla La Nueva its effective collaboration with us.
As one of the objectives of ADEA: The removal of architectural barriers as many people in the community of Madrid. Obviously this will not happen in a short period of time but the first and most important step has already been taken and we must cultivate our confidence that if we are to succeed.

The road will be long and hard as that of Santiago but we have already begun to walk.

I have personally decided to invest my time and energy through the association ADEA to live independently in my town and participate fully in all aspects of social life as long as the disease permits me. This philosophy also permeates the air of our partners in Miraflores de la Sierra and hope that spreads to other people in our community.

. The ADEA Association argue that the lack of disabled is not going to disable to live life and so we would love to join other municipalities to walk with us on this project and feel that our objectives are no longer a utopia but a big project: GET PHYSICAL DISABILITIES WE TRAINED AND PART OF ONE WORLD.

Municipal authorities are close to the problems faced by disabled people is a good sign a society that wants to move but sometimes we are the citizens who we have to approach politicians.
A society that turns away from the problems we have the disabled is a disabled society.
Equality is one of the top goals of all social policies of our country because that means laying the foundations for creating partnerships mature and able to grow in every sense of the life and welfare of our future generations also

we got third place reserved for people with reduced mobility
municipal pool in front of Sevilla La Nueva

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Letter Of Appeal Work Permit

completed in October 2008 Presentation of the association

October 10 to inaugurate our ADEA headquartered ssociation office is in Miraflores de la Sierra.

In this picture we can see Amparo Vázquez and the President of ADEA, Amalia. The same day inaugurate the ramp that allows access to the house of culture in the municipality of Miraflores de la Sierra. I want to share

with you the words I said at the inauguration of the association.

Here we are with the mayor of Miraflores de la Sierra Altozano Don Pablo Soler and our President Amelia In partnership we work for able and disabled are part of the world and to achieve this goal, society must become aware that disabled people need an infrastructure suited to our needs as the creation of reserved parking spaces to develop our life in cities and towns as any other citizen to foot.

The campaign came about because I lived in first person, every time I went to town, the impotence of not being able to park in the only seat reserved for the disabled. Having to park anywhere else supposed to walk more than 10 minutes and this represented a barrier for me all because I suffer multiple sclerosis and in the end I went home and asked my husband that he might do what I had to do that day .

Something had to be done and it was a bad answer to a squatter who gave me the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral campaign: I'll lend you my place, would you lend me your legs?

After two years making fine moral I can say that the campaign is being a success. I had the support of all my friends, family and the entire team of the City of Sevilla La Nueva, local police and even the three-wishes Jaime Cantizano are encouraged that the campaign was part of the program I think

if all are still working will remove from our society, a moral stain disability, you can not see with your eyes but many feel it in frustration on the day.

participate in this campaign is making a small exercise in empathy to get in our place. You only have to carry the fines you every time we put a fine moral we are representing all the people have a physical disability .. And in this life no man can be sure that one day you or a family member will need these seats. Let
fines not aggressive because what we want with the message I'll lend you my place you lend me your legs is to educate the person who has occupied the plaza through their own thinking and realize the problems created physically disabled his lack of social awareness

The fact of being part of this campaign also means that future generations will not have to suffer this type of fine moral barriers and become a mere anecdote. The day we do not have to take them will have been because the problem no longer exists.

The campaign is open to everyone. Moral fines can be found in various public places in your councils and our partnership page

All of us involved in this day we are very enveloped in the warmth of understanding by the political authorities of our friends and family.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Make Up Artist Leaflets

postgraduate course" Criminal Procedure "

Under Graduate career "Specialization in Criminal Sciences" will be taught the course "Criminal Procedural Law" delivered by Dr. Victor Rene Martinez.
is girigido professionals in the areas of Legal Sciences, and interested in the subject.
Dates and Times: 24 and 25 October: Friday from 16-21 pm and Saturday from 8-13 pm
14, 15, 28 and November 29: Friday 16-21 hs. and Saturday from 8 to 13 pm and 15 to 20 hours.
Secretariat y Perfeccionamiento Docente – Avda. Reyes Católicos 1622- Salta
Tel 4399630/31 – e-correo: /

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En el marco de la Carrera de Postgrado, Especialización en Auditoría y Control de Gestión se llevará a cabo el Curso de Postgrado, Responsabilidad Social Empresaria y Sostenibilidad, lo dictará la Dra. Beatriz Balian de Tagtachian.
Este curso esta dirigido a profesionales de distintas disciplinas que quieran desarrollarse en el área de responsabilidad social empresarial.
FECHAS AND TIMES: 17, 18 and October 31 and November 1-Friday from 16:00 to 21:00 pm Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 20:00
Faculty of Economics and Administration - Pellegrini 790. 4268918/19-4268813/14. University Extension Department
- 4268840/66 - 4268923/24
Graduate Secretary - Avda Reyes Católicos No. 1622 - Annex Three Cerritos-Tel: 0387-4399630/31- email: - Blog.
certificate will be issued

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disabled in action

The next October 10 at 19.00

Initiate the Evening: Dn
Mayor Hon Paul Altozano
Then different members of the Board of Directors of the Association of Disabled in Action report on program objectives and ongoing activities.
also a number of dignitaries from the world of disability and mayors from other communes of the Sierra.
If you are interested in participating in our association and want to go to meet our objectives,
Contact us