Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bleach Emblem Ragnarok

Upcoming Workshops Peace in Seville The New 2009

These workshops are an initiative of ADEA (Association of Disabled in Action) and the Area of \u200b\u200bEqual Opportunities of the Commonwealth The Alberche.

The goal is to share knowledge that we bring a new vision to overcome

the difficulties we face in life and live it with maximum fullness and awareness .

Information and registration: Equal Area. Casa Grande, entrance

C / General Asensio s / n. 28609 Sevilla la Nueva.

Telfs.: 91-8130868 / 646539729


Taller “Las Flores de Bach”

El Doctor Edward Bach desarrolló la teoría de que las enfermedades tienen origen emocional. Conocer cómo heal the emotions through this workshop related to flowers, essences and what they convey to us, gives us tools to live a fuller life.

Ana Isabel Moreno, a specialist in complementary therapies

Thursday 22 October from 11:00 to 12:30 h.

Reiki Techniques Workshop

learn a few very simple tools to clean, activate, and maintain our vital energy in good conditions throughout the day.

Amparo Vázquez, Reiki Master

Monday, November 9 from 11:00 to 12:30 h.

Risomanía Workshop

awaken your vitality, energy and joy of living and sharing.

Ana Isabel Moreno and Inmaculada Sánchez, risoterapeutas

Thursday 17 December from 11:00 to 13:00


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